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    Here’s what you’re getting

    1. The Advertising Checklist

      Stop wasting your marketing budget, start dramatically increasing your response rates and your return on investment with this simple to use checklist. This simple little document will become your new BFF. You’ll be joined at the hip. Never run an ad without it!


    2. The Client Stampede Business Blueprint & Diagnosis Tool

    This uber-powerful document is like the cliff notes version of my one day Business Transformation Consult which is currently $19,980 a day. If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, then apply these simple steps and the pathway (and big opportunities) suddenly become clear. Goodbye marketing overwhelm, hello more money, (and a sense of clarity, purpose and pride like you’ve never had).


    3. The Multi Billion Dollar Sales Letter and Its Secrets Broken Down To Apply To Your Marketing


    Yes it really is possible to create several billions of dollars in revenue from one single sales letter (just ask the Wall St. Journal). That’s the power of having great copywriting and knowing your audience better than they know themselves. While I haven’t (yet) written a sales letter that’s brought in the billions, I have created many campaigns that have brought in millions for our private clients. This tool breaks everything down so you can see how to apply the genius of this letter to your own marketing.




      “Fast, smart and to the point.”

      Fast, smart and to the point. That is how the information in this book is presented. I definitely like that the ideas from the book can be straight away implemented in real business scenarios. Some of them were known but were presented with a twist worth trying. 

      It’s Time To grow Your business
      Download Your three Free Marketing Tools Below!



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        “This book has caused a powerful shift in my thinking ...”

        “I wish I had read this book five years ago before I started my business. It answers every question I’ve struggled with about the right and wrong way to promote my business. If I had read this book then I would be making a lot more money today .. this book has caused a powerful shift in my thinking.”

        Shanika Thomas

        “get the audio version .. it’s a highly recommended listen.”

        I listened to the audio version of this book, and then bought the paperback version as there was a lot of good stuff I wanted to have in writing (and it saves me taking notes). This isn’t the kind of marketing book that is light and fluffy and ultimately disappointing because it doesn’t deliver. This book is swift, fast and easy to follow…get the audio version.. it’s a highly recommended listen.”

        Gary Chambers